Having seen Crossovers in the Quarter Finals and the Games, these schoolyard style skips are now being programmed more frequently by gyms in preparation for their likely appearance in the 2024 Opens. So let’s discuss sizing!
Much like regular skips and double unders, using the appropriate length rope is crucial for mastering crossover skips. For individuals that are just starting out with crossovers, we recommend using a longer rope, then as you get more proficient you can shorten it as needed. To determine rope length as a beginner, you want to stand with one foot in the centre of your rope and have the fully extended handles reach just below your chin. This serves as the maximum length you’ll use for crossovers.
When it comes to shortening the rope, you have two options:
In a gym setting where beaded crossover ropes are being shared among members, simply tie knots in the sides of the rope until you reach the desired length. The number of knots can then be adjusted to suit the ability of every member.
If you have access to your own beaded rope, remove the handle from one side and slide off as many beads as necessary, replace the handle and then cut off any excess rope. Make sure when removing beads, you ensure there is approximately 10cm of space between the handle and the beginning of the beads, this will allow you to take the handle off again to make future adjustments.
As you progress with your crossovers, you can shorten the rope or remove beads to reduce the weight of the rope, resulting in increased speed.